
Create a Thriving, Systems-Driven Operation
Valencia Consulting, Ltd

for small business owners

Systems Implementation

The program includes training, templates, software, and support for up to 40 team members.

Ideal for: Business owners who are getting held back because they don't have core processes and systems identified and documented.

What we'll do: We'll use modern tools that make creating, sharing, and using systems easy for you and the team. The training program will allow you to create a culture of systems for your team so you'll stop making mistakes, losing business, and eliminate the stress and worry from running your company.

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For Governments seeking improved service

Process Improvement for Government

Improving government is a challenge. There's often a mantra of "We don't make widgets," and your improvement project is doomed from the start.

Ideal for: Federal, state, and local government leaders seeking help to define what they do, increase value to their stakeholders, and unlock the potential of their team.

What we'll do: We'll use a proven improvement framework to radically improve and transform your operation. You'll see a more engaged team and increased output in as little as 90 days.

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create better leaders

Talent Optimization

Get started today to create better leaders for your company. Understanding you, your team, and your strategy will ensure that you achieve the business results you are looking for.

Ideal for: Business leaders that want a certified consultant in developing leadership inside of the company, the right kind of culture, and a system that recruits and retains top talent.

What we'll do: We'll apply the latest in behavioral science to understand your people systems to increase collaboration and build high-performing teams. This program includes training, software, and analysis of you the leader and the team around you.

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